Saturday, April 29, 2006

Review-Entertaining Mr. Sloane (4.28.06)

Entertaining Mr. Sloane (Saturday, 4.28.06)
Laura Pels Theatre, New York, NY

By: Joe Orton

Starring: Alec Baldwin (Ed), Barbara Sims (Kath), Chris Carmack (Sloane), Richard Easton (Kemp)

It’s hard to enjoy a show when you are physically uncomfortable. Unfortunately, that was the case at the performance of Entertaining Mr. Sloane. Do to an air conditioning problem, the theatre was over-air-conditioned, and could not have been more than about 50 degrees. It is quite unfortunate.

In any event, I’ve always had reservations about Joe Orton’s work. His bawdiness always struck me as transparent and without any real point. But this play is actually interesting both in its construction and its plotline. The able cast, led by the able and sexy Chris Carmack, is well-coordinated and delivers its lines with excellent timing. Carmack’s performance is good because he transcends simply being a pretty face with a gorgeous body. He offers a layered performance that grows in the second act as his character become trapped by the circumstances he has created.

Alec Baldwin is also good as the closeted Ed, delivering some of the more comic moments, while Barbara Sims is also good as the seemingly frail Kath who proves she is just as able and cunning as her brother. Finally, Richard Easton, the veteran actor, delivers a terrific comedic performance as Kemp, the father who recognizes Sloane for what he is – a no good fugitive and murderer.

The entire production is fast-paced without being rushed, and moves along quite nicely, though not quite quickly enough given the discomfort of the theatre. The production is also well-designed, with a flowing set that allows the frenetic action to flow from all sides of the stage. All in all, this is a good production of a good play, praise-worthy indeed.

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